The daily happy frog quotes.
Why I started with "The Frog and the well"
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In the beginning of 2012 I recieved from a good friend a page from the book
"The frog and the Well"
written by Josh Langley..
The subtitle of the book is "Unconventional happyness".
Through the Internet I discovered that there were many inspiring texts in this book.
I then purchased an electronic version of this book.
The texts and drawings inspired me. This gradually gave rise to the idea of copying the book and translating it into dutch.
Unfortunately, this idea remained on the shelf for quite some time, but when I had to undergo a knee operation, I thought I would have lot of time during the healing process. I saw the possibility to start this project with a few colored pencils and a few sheets of A4 paper.
On June 13, I was hospitalized and operated on. The first days I was quite KO.
After a few days I made an attempt to translate and draw a few pages.
On June 19. I was transferred to rehabilitation in an other location.
Here I really enjoyed the project. Drawing and translating was a very good distraction, because when I was doing that, I forgot the pain.
Within a very short time, a considerable number of drawings hung on the wall.
My paper ran out quickly. But the nurses were very helpful and provided me with new paper.
Drawing and writing helped me a lot in that period, the texts were cheerful and inspiring.
Exactly what I needed.
As a result, I always had a good sense and always had positive conversation topics.
I used one of the drawings as a profile picture on Facebook.
Within an hour this picture was noticed by the Australian facebook page "The frog and the well"
they wrote:
If you get such a response, it's super fun
After 7 and a half year I still draw the cards and as John Langley was my inspiration I draw one with Josh.